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Roselil & Stentrolden
I vinterferien 2023 var der premiere på Karla Holmbäks dejlige Animationsfilm “Roselil & Stentrolden”.
Jeg havde fornøjelsen af at komponere musikken til filmen.
Musikken blev indspillet i The Village studio med Thomas Vang som studieteknikker.
Besætningen var:
Percussion: Lisbeth Diers
Kontrabas: Thommy Andersson
Flygel: Jonas Berg
Guitar: Morten Dalsgaard
Her er et par billeder fra indspilningerne i Thomas Vangs fede studie.
Fotos & Assistent: Mathies Dan Dalsgaard

BØRSTE – på Minisjang
Maj 2021 Lancerede DR sin nye kanal for de mindste børn – Minisjang
Minisjang har en hovedkarakter – Et lille pindsvin som hedder Børste.
Jeg har haft fornøjelsen af at være med til at udvikle lyd & musik til Børstes univers.
Det er et enkelt rart og indbydende univers der er tilpasset børn helt nede fra 1 års alderen.
Se episoderne her ⇒ BØRSTE på Minisjang

Superhelten Sprinter Galore – Season 2
May 2021.
Its time for another great season of the animated version of the Superhero Sprinter Galore
Once again I have been doing the music & the sounddesign.
This time I had great help from my sound assistant Anders Ankerstjerne who did Voice recordings and Soundeffects on most episodes
And also Alex Pavlovic and Bo Asdal Andersen. Alex did the sound effects on some episodes and Bo Asdal Andersen recorded voices on some of the episodes.
The show has premiere on DR tv Ramasjang 3/5 – 2021

John Dillermand
January 2021.
Jacob Ley has given birth to another unique and captivating universe – This time it has really gone viral!
It was great fun and very enjoyable to contribute with music
and sounddesign to the strange and funny tale of John Dillermand.
See for yourself ⇒ John Dillermand

Ustyrligt by Wulffmorgenthaler
February 2021.
Just finished composing music and sounddesign for the Ustyrligt.
A show by the crazy comic duo Wulffmorgenthaler.
Absurd, Funny & Crazy – Enjoy! ⇒ Ustyrligt Season 1

Kiwi & Strit – Season 2
Another season of Kiwi & Strit is ready for the children & their parents.
On the first season I did the voices for Kiwi & Strit and the other creatures in their magic forest.
This time I have had the privilege of doing the music and all of the sound design.
It has been lots of fun!

Heino in the wilderness
September 2020.
Just finished music & soundesign on another season of Heinos wild adventures.
This time he has to guide a group of children in the craft of survival in the wilderness.

Mia’s Magic Playground
April 2020
Jeg har netop afsluttet musik og lyddesign på animationsserien Mia’s Magic Playground
Tv serie på 24 afsnit a 7 min.
Serien er en meget vellykket fortælling om Mia og hendes to venner Tilly & Oskars eventyr i fantasiens magiske verden, når klokken ringer til frikvarter.
Instruktion – Mette Skov, Trylle Vilstrup & Lars Christiansen.
Produktion – Moonbug & Copenhagen Bombay
De første 12 afsnit havde premiere 27/2 – 2020 på Viaplay

Superhelten Sprinter Galore
Januar 2020 afsluttede jeg musik & Lydarbejdet på animationsserien Superhelten Sprinter Galore
Tv serie i 26 afsnit a 5 min.
En sjov og dejlig fortælling for de mindste om Sprinter Galores bedrifter på hans hjemplanet Bhilka.
Instruktion – Kristjan Møller
Produktion – Copenhagen Bombay
Premiere på DR Ramasjang – januar 2020
Lige nu Komponerer jeg Musik og laver Lyddesign på Sæson 2 & 3 af tv serien for børn “Sprinter Galore”
Lyddesign og mix sammen med Alex Pavlovic på “Mens vi lever” af brødrene Mehdi og Milad Avaz.
B-tonemester på Erik Clausens nyeste film “Aldrig Mere i Morgen”(Alex Pavlovic A-tonemster)
Spise med Price – i København
In april I did the soundedditing & Mix for Spise med Price – 2 episodes with the brothers in cooking in Copenhagen.
Martin Uden X
I Recently did the Sound editing and mix for Matin uden X. 4 Episodes of 28 min. About the former x-factor winner Martin, and his return to the music scene. After many years with a musical identity publicly known as winner of x factor. Now trying to be recognized for the music he writes for his present project Saveus.
Historien om Danmark
I am currently assisting Alex Pavlovic on the Sounddesign for Historien om Danmark.
11 episodes of 1 hour telling the story of Denmark from the stoneage to the pressent.

Kunstnerens Lærling
Kunstnerens Lærling
Last summer I did the sounddesign for serial by Anders Morgenthaler – Kunstnerens Lærling.
He is visiting 6 different artists and is being taught by them, how they do their craft.
It is both inspiring, interesting & funny.

Get Santa / Den Magiske Juleæske
November 10th. Jacob Ley’s beautiful Animated feature film – Get Santa / Den Magiske Juleæske, has its Premiere.
I am happy to be a part of the team behind the film.
I wrote the music for the film. It was recorded with Jønkøbing Sinfonietta & Lars Jansson trio. I also did the SoundDesign.
Pictures from the recording with Jønkøbing Sinfonietta
Kunstnerens Lærling
- At the moment Danmarks Radio is showing a serial by Anders Morgenthaler – Kunstnerens Lærling.
- Morgenthaler is visiting 6 different artists and is being taught by them, how they do their craft.
- It is both inspiring, interesting & funny. I did the SoundDesign on the serial.
Sprinter Galore – TV Show 10 episodes
- Oktober – november 2016. the serial for children Sprinter Galore has its premiere. It is the story about a boy and his friendship with an alien that happens to chrash with its spaceship in the boys backgarden. It is a funny and warm story. I did the music and the soundDesign for the show.
My address
- Email: mortendalsgaard@me.com
Morten Dalsgaard 2016 © All Rights Reserved